Self Study
I have been learning web development since 2015 through online content & courses from youtube, udemy, coursera and udacity. and there's always more to learn so I make myself continuously learn new technology to keep up with the world.
I'm Youssef Ragab, Full Stack Web Developer from Alexandria, Egypt. I have rich experience in web development , I work with multiple technologies and frameworks , I have been working in the web for more than 7 years.
Building APIs & Dashboards and designing databases from scratch with laravel,wordpress,nodejs and firebase
Building full responsive UI & components with React, Bootstrap, JQuery and many more popular tools.
Building websites and web apps with full solutions from scratch by both frontend & backend development tools.
Looking for more information ? Click here to contact me! 👋
Tech go is a multi language company portfolio for online services. it was built by laravel and it has admin dashboard for managing content
View ProjectMary in Dubai is a tourism services website built with wordpress
View ProjectAboabdelaziz is a mini ecommerce store built with wordpress.
View ProjectTahaluf is a company portfolio website built with laravel. it has full dashboard for managing content
View is a large reservations platform for doctors and clinics built with laravel. it allows users to explore doctors by category and make a reservation. the platform has a user website and dashboard for admin and doctors.
View ProjectHappy Homes is a multi language company portfolio website built with laravel and has an admin dashboard
View ProjectBnoni Sway is a full ecommerce website built with react & react-router
View Projectfekra is a blog theme for wordpress. it has unique design. it contains a lot of features and widgets to make any blog stands out. it contains a lot of options and its fully customziable. for buying the theme or to order similar project contact me.
View Projectthunder is a powerful movies theme for wordpress, it has unique design, its responsive,fast and it has a lot of options and functionalities and its easily customizable, its available in multiple languages النسخة العربية , English Version
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